Wednesday, February 7, 2007

smiley faces

I opened my photo album, wanting a glimpse at the past. So by turning a page after page I noticed all the photos had smiley faces, there was: a crying smile, a happy smile, a simple smile, a sad smile, a cheesy smile, a silly smile, and all different kind of smiles.
And I kept turning pages and I kept seeing smiles, it became ridicules. Because I thought where are the real life expressions but then I found out –don't know how– that this was an album nothing more, not a life. So whenever someone takes a photo they smile, it became a style.
I also wondered what if I was sad, I would have to put a smile on, not because I have to, no. but because I want to see myself later, I'd rather see myself smiling.
So it doesn't really mean that I'm happy whenever I smile. And it also doesn't necessarily have to mean that I'm sad whenever I cry.
I cry sometimes out of joy, sadness, disappointment, and sometimes for no reason. So I can't assume that someone is happy just because a smile is always on on their faces.
When I was younger I wondered how can people smile when they're hurt, but after some years of life I began to understand how people do that and I found two reasons why they do that: whether they don't want people to worry about their problems –which I admire them but sometimes they need to show what they feel– or they just want to be mysterious –which I don't understand that desire–
What I feel at any moment always appear, if I want it or not, I can't hide what I feel –could be a bless, and could be a curse– and what I want to say at any moment comes out of my mouth without thinking. Yes, regret is always there. But if I should waste time by regretting then I wouldn't still have my nails on my fingers.
So I am what I am. And I don't always have that motto in life, it comes and goes.
And when I finished the album I was looking at, I found some embarrassing, some silly, some fun photos. And I remember a lot of things I almost forgot.
So now whenever I take a photo, I'd smile any kind of smile, just a smile that's what matters. And look at the camera and worry about nothing and with hope that it turns out to be a good photo.

1 comment:

Waed S. said...

Well, let always show.. that's an advice!!!